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Why Join EmptyLegMarket
EmptyLegMarket provides private jet operators with an additional tool to market their on-demand empty leg flights. This service allows jet operators to focus on their core business of private jet charter while gaining additional revenue from what otherwise would be unsold segments. This website focuses solely on promoting the sale of empty legs by creating a consolidated marketplace for on-demand empty leg flights. Jet operators still have complete control over the sales process and there is no charge or percentage cut for any booking obtained via the website. A minimal subscription service is required to post empty legs to the system, however jet operators and even brokers can create and manage a company profile for free which will be added to our directory for potential customers to browse through. A sale of just one empty leg charter flight more than pays for the cost of the subscription. If you have any questions on how to register or post empty leg flights to the site please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Disclaimer : does not own or operate any aircraft, nor does it perform any due diligence on the operators listed on this website.